The Next Chapter

“Wow.” The words came out as a whisper while I read the offer letter on my computer screen, “I have been accepted to attend the University of Oxford.”

Picture from @compscioxford.

From a young age, I have been curious about the people and the world around me. Intrigued on why people act and react the way that they do. Of course, at a younger age, my world was smaller. First, in Guadalajara, México, where I was born. Later, it grew to an international level when I moved to the state of Georgia in the United States at the age of 9.

In the US, my first best friend was Japanese. Sadly, I had to say good-bye after two years of knowing her because she moved back to Japan with her family. It would not be until 14 years later that Mai and I would finally reunite in Tokyo and Yokohama.

Mai and I, 2003. Peachtree City, Georgia, USA.

Mai (left), her parents (middle) and I, 2018. Yokohama, Japan.

As I have grown older, my curiosity to understand the world and the people in it grows too. I have come to realize that the world sometimes works, and it sometimes, in a catastrophic level, does not. It can be a very complicated and messy place. Particularly, when there are people with different world views that might not see the world for what it is. Therefore, the challenges in today’s society only seem to keep growing.

Misinformation and different realities put our lives at risk, but I believe that most people are more alike than we think. My experience has been that we all ultimately want the same thing. We all want to feel safe, have the best quality of life, give our kids the best education with the hope that they grow into remarkable individuals, and provide our elders and families with care. These realities tend to be universal.

At Oxford, I will be studying diplomacy. A field that I believe is essential for our global survival. The hope and passion I have for the world led me to achieve what did not seem possible.

Now, I understand the world better. I understand that the only way to save us from ourselves is to work together because not one individual (or nation) can do it alone. More than intelligence, we need wisdom. People who are smart, but more importantly, people that want to do the right thing. I see a lot of challenges ahead, but I also see a lot of opportunities. It will be up to us to decide what kind of future we want for ourselves and for the generations that follow.

Mai has allowed me to use the pictures and her name for this blog post.

The Single Most Pressing Issue -- and Solution -- Facing our World Today


When you think of the single most pressing issue that we face as a society, what comes to mind? Perhaps inequality? Perhaps poverty? Terrorism? Or maybe even Climate Change?

For many years, the one and biggest global issue that truly concerned me, for myself, for the people I love, and for future generations was Climate Change. How on Earth (no pun intended) are we supposed to move forward when we are literally destroying the only home we have? Climate Change threatens our very existence. Although the warming of the planet is a very real and frightening threat for our present and our future, I now know this is not the most pressing issue that we face as a society.

Education is not only the single most pressing issue that we face, but it is also the solution to every single one of our problems. Quality education for all is the answer to everything.

I truly believe education can solve absolutely any problem that we face. When people are well educated and informed about any issue, they are more likely to take action and to find ways to solve the problem. They are also more likely to hold their governments or people in power accountable. At no other point in history have we been more environmentally aware, have done more for gender equality, or for diversity, than today, and I believe that education has achieved that progress. The internet, and social media in particular, has given an unprecedented opportunity for many professionals, experts, teachers, journalists, activists, every-day people, and in particular, young people, to use it as a platform to inform, educate, and engage people from all corners of the globe. Social media has inspired the global community, and especially, has inspired young people to know that they are never too young -- or too old -- to take action and to become leaders in their communities.

Without education, we have nothing. Without education, we would not be able to solve the biggest issues facing the world today. Education is not just learning a set of skills, it is about problem-solving, it is learning about your neighbors, exposing you to new ideas, to new challenges, to new ways of looking at the same thing. It opens up your mind, it consumes your soul. Education truly can change communities, regions, and the world.

Never stop learning new things, because tomorrow, it could be you changing the world.